What to Expect

Hear the giggles of children. Listen to the chatter of youth. See the smiles of senior adults. Feel the warmth of a friendly group as you walk into our weekly gathering. We have a seat for you and a smile to go with it.
At Valley Baptist Church, you will encounter babies and parents, senior citizens and youth, children and adults all singing praises to God, listening to a Biblical, practical message, and enjoying each other’s company. Our singing is rich and full – a host of young people skillfully play – an orchestra, a piano, and often a rich-sounding organ. We want you to be able to sing along, not just watch a performance.
What about your children? We love children. No, really, we LOVE children. You will see tons of children and youth at VBC. You can worship with your children sitting right with you. Or, you can ask an usher for nursery volunteers to care for your child while you worship. Or, you can watch by video in a family room with other parents and children. Finally, nursing moms might want the quiet of our nursing mothers’ room with viewing window and audio to the sanctuary. At VBC, we believe that since they are your precious children, you know best where they should worship.
What should you wear? That’s up to you. You will see a few jeans and shorts, a few suits and dresses, and everything in-between.
After church, those who wish stay for a fellowship meal. Your first time you don’t need to worry about bringing anything; be our guest. We sit and talk and the young people play basketball, volleyball, ping pong, four square and much more. And if you don’t desire to stay for the meal, no problem at all.
We are real people who have found an amazing God. Come join in as we sing to Him and learn about Him together. We’re saving you a seat!